Course Objectives
Upon completion of this conference, the participant will be able to:
• Identify sonographic clues to an ectopic pregnancy
• Recognize the signs for placenta accrete spectrum
• Understand the role of ultrasound in the evaluation of the postpartum patient
• Utilize an evidence-based approach to evaluating the fetus with growth restriction
• Recite the key constituents of genetic counseling in the era of cell-free DNA screening
• Recognize the anomalies amenable to detection in the first trimester
• Understand the key planes and approach to evaluating the fetal heart in the first trimester
• Understand imaging techniques for advanced imaging of the fetal brain
• Demonstrate how to evaluate the fetal face and the role of 3D imaging
• Identify the most common syndromes associated with skeletal dysplasias
• Discuss key lessons learned from obstetric legal cases
• Optimize imaging for the evaluation of the fetal heart
• Assess the four-chamber view and recognize the anomalies that are amenable to detection
• Assess the three-vessel trachea view and recognize the anomalies that are amenable to detection
• Understand the most common fetal abdominal cysts and masses
• Recognize abnormalities of the fetal urinary tract
• Properly utilize ultrasound in the evaluation of the patient with abnormal uterine bleeding
• Recognize the sonographic findings for adenomyosis
• Properly evaluate the patient with chronic pelvic pain
• Understand the critical role of 3D ultrasound in the gynecologic scan
• Recite the most common adnexal masses in the pre- and post-menopausal patient
• Recognize the sonographic clues to ovarian/adnexal torsion